Increasing Financial Happiness

We are all striving to increase our financial happiness because in turn this increases our life happiness.

You can instantly start increasing your financial and life happiness! We all can! Imagine that! And you can do it without it costing a cent!

Taking a leaf or two out of Shawn Achor’s TED talk – It is not only the reality that shapes us but the lens that you use to view your world which also changes your reality. If you can change the lens of your rose coloured glasses then you can change the reality. This has been evidenced by people reading and completing exercises in the book, Mindful Money  and now Shawn Achor provides further evidence with his research.

His research indicates that:

  • 10% of happiness can be predicted by your external world
  • 90% of happiness is by the way your brain processes it

If you change how you view things then you can increase happiness and the likelihood of success. When you view things positively you can see stress as a challenge not as a threat. With positivity comes opportunity.

If you reversed the your formula for success from “if I work harder, I will be more successful and then be happy” to being happy with your present space right now, it creates space to open your mind up to learn and to take positive action. It increases your capacity to gain successful traction.

Activities to get you started:

  1. View Shawn’s TED Talk –
  2. For the next 21 days, allow 2 minutes to jot down 3 new money (or personal of course) related things you appreciate and why
  3. Take a moment each day to say thank you to just one person, even it if is via email or social media
  4. Encourage others to increase their financial and life happiness by sharing this blog.

These will help retrain your body, your mind to reverse the formula for happiness and success and create “ripples of positivity and a real revolution”. (source: Shawn Achor)

Be Happy, Be Healthy, Be Wealthy.