Developing healthy financial habits takes personal effort. The best way to start, and give yourself the greatest chance of success, is to build your new financial habits into your daily routine.
Morning is the best time of day to schedule in your new habit. Starting your morning by setting your new intentions helps you to begin each day afresh, with renewed awareness of your goals.
Here are some ideas to get you started:
- Write your new habit down, and leave it beside your bed, so you can read it when you wake in the morning and before you go to sleep.
- Write down a summary of your new relationship with money. Read it over and take some time to consider your new money relationship. Visualise your new financial habit and the feeling it gives you (the emotions it evokes).
- Set an automatic daily reminder in your phone or diary to review your new habit. Include details of what the habit is, what you are trying to achieve and why.
- Share your goals with your family and friends. Most likely, you’ll receive a welcome level of support and encouragement from the people you care about most.
Remember, many of your old habits have been established for years—so expecting perfection as you start your new habit is unrealistic. Be kind to yourself, be flexible, and have gratitude for even the smallest improvements and you will get there.